Overall Show Schedule is the same for both days but different classes will be offered each day.

Saturday & Sunday 10/19 & 10/20

10am-5pm Exhibitor Floors open for shopping and sampling

11am-5pm Paid classes & unique samplings, free lectures, free tea sampling bar (coffee under consideration)

1pm & 3pm Afternoon Tea & Coffee Seatings (50 person seating at each) (1 hour each)

  • Saturday, 10/19, 2:15pm-3:00pm

    Chocolate 101 explores the chocolate making process and what makes bean-to-bar unique. From the origins of the bean to the molding of the tempered chocolate, this lecture will guide participants through each step on how chocolate is made and show why craft chocolate is worth the cost.

    Instructor: Kate Alfheim, Conch: Chocolate Experience

  • Saturday, 10/19, 11:15am-12:00pm

    Come learn the basics of coffee! Made from a plant that, like tea and chocolate, is heavily influenced by terroir, processing and varietals, coffee has been enjoyed around the world in many different ways throughout history. Discover what makes it unique, why it is such a ubiquitous drink and other fascinating tidbits.

    Speaker: Kerry Mayfield, Tierras Planas Roasters

  • Sunday, 10/20, 11:15am-12:00pm

    Take a look at the intersection of a social tea experience with both Eastern and Western herbalist traditions. We will touch on modern research of functionality claims as well as hype, and examine the balance of functionality with taste, as well as safety concerns, enjoyability, and enriching one's lifestyle through generational knowledge.

    Speaker: Rebecca Grzeskowiak of The Tea Smith

  • Saturday, 10/19, 3:15pm-4:00pm

    Join, certified tea Sommelier, and owner of Tea Maker Group & Savoy Tea Co, Tina Beyer as she leads you through the process of hosting an unforgettable tea party. Whether you are a seasoned event planner or hosting your very first tea party, you will find inspiration and the information you need to plan and execute an amazing party. 

    Speaker: Tina Beyer of Savoy Tea Co.

  • Saturday, 10/19, 1:15pm-2:00pm

    How TEA and healthy habits can become a catalyst to transform your health, just like they did mine!

    We can create a vibrant, invigorating lifestyle that not only adds more years to our lives, but more importantly, more LIFE to our years. With intention and regular practice, we can age with good health, strength, vitality, more peace and more joy. I’ll share how you can capitalize on the wonderful health benefits of TEA and some simple yet powerful “hacks” that, when they become habits, will actually transform your health.

    Speaker: Stacie Robertson, Tea Market

  • Sunday, 10/20, 12:15pm-1:00pm

    Host: Agnieszka Rapacz, Chicago Teahouse

  • Sunday, 10/20, 10:15am-11:00am

    Join us on a journey through time as we explore the fate of one of the world's most beloved beverages: tea. As we venture into the future, we'll examine the environmental, social, and technological factors that may shape the tea industry by 2050. From climate change impacts on tea cultivation to evolving consumer preferences and innovative production methods, this presentation will delve into the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead for tea enthusiasts worldwide. So grab your cuppa and join us as we ponder the question: will we still have tea to enjoy in 2050?

    Speaker: Pratik Rijal, Nepal Tea Collective

  • Saturday, 10/19, 10:15am-11:00am

    This is a great class for those new to tea or tea-curious. Discover what makes tea the most consumed beverage in the world, or take this opportunity to expand your knowledge.  We will touch on the basics of tea, types, important growing regions, ideas for preparation and serving, and more. 

    Speaker: Tim Smith, The Tea Smith

  • Saturday, 10/19, 12:15pm-1:00pm

    Description pending

    Speaker: James Orrock, Single Origin Teas

  • Sunday, 10/20, 3:15pm-4:00pm

    "All the tea in China" is quite a lot of tea and encompasses various types, flavors, terroirs and processing methods. For over 30 years, Dan has traveled extensively in China and other tea growing regions of the world to learn the secrets and myths of this ancient beverage. Both simple and complex at the same time, Chinese teas offer an unmatched variety to tea drinkers of all levels. Explore 5000 years of tea history as Dan shares his experiences with you as well as some extra special teas.

    Speaker: Dan Robertson of The Tea House

  • Sunday, 10/20, 1:15pm-2:00pm

    Side-handled teapots, cast-iron kettles, spouted bowls, and vessels resembling the Chinese gaiwan: the teaware of Japan is incredibly diverse, yet often the least understood. Learn how the combination of Japanese flavor preferences, Chinese influence, and low-tech ingenuity have shaped the teaware of Japan.

    Speaker: Noli Ergas, Sugimoto Tea

  • Saturday, 10/19, 9:00am-10:00am

    Sunday, 10/20, 9:00am-10:00am

    Join us for a welcome to the festival. Hear a bit about the history of this event and why we chose to include tea, coffee and chocolate together this year.

    Join us for a welcome to the festival. Hear a bit about the history of this event and why we chose to include tea, coffee and chocolate together this year.

    Dan Robertson of The Tea House and International Tea Cuppers Club will lead us in a welcome Cup Warming (tea) before we go our separate ways to enjoy the day.

  • Cost: $30

    Sunday, 10/20, 12:15pm-1:15pm

    This is a hands-on workshop which blends collaging and poetry. Using tea leaves and recycled materials, participants will produce found poetry. Both poets and non-writers, artists and non-artists, are welcome to join this workshop. Participants will select a source text, create a poem, then decorate the paper with tea and recycled materials. Participants will be able to take their collage home with them after the workshop. A cup of artisanal tea will be included as you create!

    Instructor: Anesce Dremen

  • Cost: $20

    Sunday, 10/20, 4:00pm-5:00pm

    Don't have an espresso machine at home but love that concentrated jolt of coffee? Come learn about brewing and creating cappuccino and lattes at home without an espresso machine.

    Instructor: Kerry Mayfield, Tierras Planas Roasters

  • Cost: $25

    Sunday, 10/20, 1:30pm-2:30pm

    This class will cover the history and types of African teas, heritage and culture, terroir, tea ceremony, benefits of African tea and the future of tea in Africa.

    It will include sampling of buchu, a distinct tea of Africa not available at the Sibahle booth and a sample of tea to take home.

    Instructor: Regina Brewton of Sibahle Teas

  • Sunday, 10/20, 2:30pm-3:30pm

    Cost: $50

    We will begin by discussing a brief history of bitters through the ages and how they have evolved into what they are today. You will learn the basic process of how bitters are made and why they are an essential flavor component of classic cocktails like the “Old Fashioned” and “Manhattan”, how they add complexity and balancing notes to baked goods and desserts, and are a lively addition to beverages like coffee, tea, or brighten up a club soda . All students will have the opportunity to sample several flavors of Carroll’s Irish Bitters alone as well as in a cocktail and a dessert.

    Students will leave with 1 bottle of Carroll’s Irish Bitters Cinnamon & Clove and 10% off purchase of any other flavors while at HTCCF. One lucky student will receive a $50 gift card to use for purchase at CarrollsIrishBitters.com online store.

    Instructor: Brian Carroll, Bittersmaster at Carroll's Irish Bitters

  • Cost: $40

    Saturday, 10/19, 12:15pm-2:00pm

    Tea and cheese have a lot of similarities, qualities and complexities. They are both simple ingredients, yet their flavors can change drastically based on so many factors like the terroir, seasonality, processing, temperature, aging…

    Originally from France, Emilie has a love affair with cheese. If you ask her “fromage ou dessert?”. She will always go to “fromage/cheese” than dessert. She refers to tea as “being as fascinating and complex as wine”. That is why for her creating this tea & cheese pairing class was a must do.

    In this class you’ll to get to taste tea blends and cheese from France that you may have never tasted before. Bon Appetit!

    Instructor: Emilie Jackson, Emilie's French Teas

  • Cost: $25

    Sunday, 10/20, 11:00am-12:00pm

    This class will cover the history, origins and processing methods that make Pu-er, a unique tea from China. Quickly gaining popularity in the West for its intense, complex flavors as well as its purported health benefits, pu-er teas are aged and fermented which adds pro-biotic qualities. Able to be steeped multiple times, pu-ers offer a world of flavors which explains why this tea is sought by aficionados and collectors. Join Dan on a dive into the depths of this historic tea type.

    A good class for current coffee drinkers who wish to include tea in their routines.

    Instructor: Dan Robertson of The Tea House

  • Cost: $40

    Sunday, 10/20, 1:15pm-2:15pm

    Become a better consumer by learning how the tea professionals evaluate the teas they purchase. This course will introduce you to the skills, techniques and vocabulary used in the life of a tea taster. As you taste several benchmark teas, learn how to use a cupping set, the key factors to look for when evaluating the quality of a tea and what goes into deciding the cost/value of that tea. This class is also useful for those wanting to learn how to create their own tea blends.

    Cupping set will be available for purchase after the class.

    Instructor: Dan Robertson of The Tea House

  • Cost: $25

    Saturday, 10/19, 4:00pm-4:45pm

    This is a hands-on tasting experience for the curious, “fussy” and adventurous tea drinker who wants to master the art of tea preparation with the goal of steeping any tea so that’s it’s perfect for YOUR unique palate.

    We will steep 5 different teas from various categories, each one using 3 different methods and you get to taste them side by side for a comparison that will reveal the steeping method that’s perfect for your one-of-a-kind personal taste. You’ll be absolutely amazed how subtle shifts in preparation create vastly different cups of tea. Please join us!

    Instructor: Stacie Robertson, Tea Market

  • Saturday, 10/20, 1:15pm=2:15pm

    Cost: $10

    You already know matcha. You've probably tried sencha, genmaicha, and hojicha This session, try a few Japanese teas you have heard of but never seen, or teas that have never crossed your radar. In this session, we will sample Karigane, Kamairicha, Sun Rouge cultivar, and Kuwacha. If time permits, a bonus tea may be included.

    Instructor: Noli Ergas, Sugimoto Tea

  • Cost: $20

    Saturday, 12:15pm-1:00pm

    Join, Certified Tea Specialist & Tea Blender, and owner of Tea Maker Group & Savoy Tea Co, Bill Beyer for a hands-on workshop in the fantastical art of tea blending.  You will gain valuable knowledge about the science and culinary-art of formulating mouth watering teas.  You will also leave with a package of your very own formulated & blended tea.

  • Cost: $50

    Sunday, 10/20, 2:45pm-3:45pm

    Taste 5 different single origin teas (some rare) paired with 5 different cheeses. Learn to identify what flavor profiles complement each other and what should be avoided.

    Instructor: Jennifer Nowicki, Cultivate Taste

  • Cost: $30

    Saturday, 10/19, 2:30pm-3:30pm

    Curated Pairings for a Decadent Sensory Experience

    If you attend only 1 class, this is the one!  The Tea Smith and Chocolate Season bring you this delightful, decadent and descriptive session.  We have carefully selected some unique pairings featuring approaches that bring two of the world’s favorite flavors together in a way that enhances and expands the tastes of each.  Come prepared for a true sensory treat.

    Instructors: Rebecca Grzeskowiak, The Tea Smith and Erika Jensen, The Chocolate Season

  • Cost: $25

    Sunday, 10/20, 11:00am-12:00pm

    Experience thoughtful pairings of bean-to-bar chocolate with select teas. With each pairing, participants will experience complimentary flavor profiles of chocolate and tea while learning about the origins of each chocolate and tea pairing.

    Instructor: Kate Alfheim, Conch: Chocolate Experience

  • Cost: $20

    Sunday, 10/20, 3:45pm-4:45pm

    Discover the origins of these two timeless classics and how they complement each other. Sample a trio of pairings using readily obtainable chocolates, plus learn how to incorporate tea and chocolate into both sweet and savory recipes.

    Instructors: Marlys & Alan Arnold, Adventures with Tea

  • Cost: $35

    Saturday, 1/19, 2:30pm-3:00pm

    Sip and savor as we guide you through a delightful evening of tea-infused libations. From mixing to tasting, you'll learn the art of blending tea and alcohol to create deliciously fun cocktails using your favorite teas. Discover new recipes and uncover the perfect tea and liquor pairings that will wow your guests at your next gathering. Don't miss out on this unique experience as Agnieszka shares her favorite boozy blends. Sign up now to join in the tasting and elevate your cocktail game!

    Instructor: Agnieszka Rapacz, Chicago Teahouse

  • Cost: $50

    Saturday, 10/19, 11:00am-12:00pm

    Tea pets date back over centuries, this has a long lasting custom which has stuck around. Learn about the customs to inspire you to create your very own tea pet. We will provide you the materials and the know how to create your own clay tea pet. After you make the item in the class we will bring it back to our studio in Elgin, Illinois, where we will fire the piece for you. Once it has been fired we will ship you back the finished piece.

    Instructor: Tom Hill, Steep 'n Clay

  • Cost: $20

    Saturday, 10/19, 11:00pm-12:00pm

    Tea leaf reading is fun and accessible to everyone at any level. This is a hands-on class where you will learn the simple art of brewing and reading your fortune in a cup of tea.

    I will provide the tea and the cup for class practice and after the class, you may order one of my hand-etched sets for yourself at a discount which is only valid for students of this class.

    Instructor: Mrs. Little of Mrs. Little's Teas & Toys

  • Cost: $25

    Sunday, 10/20, 12:15pm-1:00pm

    Join William Fondren, a Navy Veteran, culinary school graduate, and owner of Hive+Harvest, for an enlightening and delicious journey into the world of cooking with honey. In this interactive class, William will share his expertise as a beekeeper and foodie, demonstrating how to elevate your recipes by adding or replacing sugar with honey. From enhancing flavors to boosting nutritional value, honey offers a unique twist to traditional dishes. Participants will learn the secrets behind creating delectable honey-infused recipes, such as Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies, and discover tips for integrating this natural sweetener into everyday cooking. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a culinary novice, this class promises to inspire and transform your approach to sweetening your culinary creations. 

     Key Takeaways: 

     • Understanding the benefits of using honey in cooking 

     • Techniques for substituting honey for sugar in various recipes 

     • Hands-on demonstration of a signature recipe: Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies 

     • Tips on selecting and storing honey for optimal flavor and quality

  • Cost: $20

    Saturday, 10/19, 3:45pm-4:45pm

    Did you know that "chai" just means "tea"? But Masala Chai is the delicious blend of tea and spices that originated in India. It has evolved into its own category as the variety of ingredients and flavors are endless. Varying by region, there are many versions of the spice blends that go into authentic Masala Chai. In this class Dan will lead you on an exploration of the original traditions as well as several new variations on this famous taste treat.

    Instructor: Dan Robertson of The Tea House

  • Cost: $5

    Saturday, 10/19, 2:45pm-3:15pm

    Sunday, 10/20, 2:4pm-3:15pm

    Compare two versions of a Kitefin blended tea, one with and one without caffeine, and explore what goes into selecting a tea to include in an herbal blend.

    Host: Alisha Kloc, Kitefin Teas & Sundries

  • Cost: $5

    Saturday, 10/19, 2:00pm-2:30pm

    Join Kerry on a tasting journey where you will learn the difference between honey processed & washed coffees.

    Host: Kerry Mayfield, Tierras Planas Roasters

  • Cost: $5

    Sunday, 10/20, 1:45pm-2:15pm

    Join Kerry on a tasting journey where you will learn the difference between natural & washed coffees.

    Host: Kerry Mayfield, Tierras Planas Roasters

  • Cost: $5

    Saturday, 10/19, 2:45pm-3:15pm

    Taste and compare 2 steamed green teas, one from China & one from Korea.

    Host: Jennifer Nowicki, Cultivate Taste

  • Cost: $5

    Saturday, 10/19, 1:15pm-1:45pm

    (Please note that this is the same time as Kukicha Tea. Please do not sign up for both!)

    Join Dan Robertson of The Tea House for a deep dive tasting session featuring Darjeeling teas. Nicknamed "The Champagne of Teas", Darjeeling tea is the darling of Indian teas. Grown in the Himalayan foot hills of northeast India, the region has multiple harvest seasons, each with their own distinct flavors and aromas. Only teas grown in the Darjeeling region are allowed to be labeled as "Darjeeling". Discover this world-famous tea as you taste several examples of pure, single tea estate Darjeelings.

  • Cost: $5

    Saturday, 10/19, 2:00pm-2:30pm

    Join Dan Robertson of The Tea House for a deep dive tasting session featuring a taste comparison of several Dragonwell green teas. Arguably one of China's most famous teas, Dragonwell (Long Jing) tea, like Champagne in France, comes from a specific geographic area. The micro-environment contains unique attributes that, in concert with select tea bushes and artful processing techniques, yield a specific aroma and flavor profile. Come enjoy a taste of this historic and delicious green tea.

  • Cost: $5

    Saturday, October 19, 1:15pm-1:45pm

    (Please note that this is the same time as Darjeeling, the Champagne of Teas. Please do not sign up for both!)

    Host: Agnieszka Rapacz, Chicago Teahouse

  • Cost: $5

    Sunday, October 20, 3:30pm-4:00pm

    Host: Agnieszka Rapacz, Chicago Teahouse

  • Cost: $5

    Sunday, 10/20, 2:45pm-3:15pm

    Host: James Orrock, Single Origin Teas

  • Cost: $5

    Note: There will be 2 sessions of this

    Saturday, 10/19, 3:30pm-4:00pm

    Sunday, 10/20, 2:00pm-2:30pm

    Experience our Everest Black tea from the highest elevation tea garden in the world, nestled in the foothills of the Mt. Everest region in Nepal. You'll also have the opportunity to try the cold brew version of our award-winning white tea, White Prakash.

    Host: Nepal Tea Collective

  • Cost: $5

    Sunday, 10/20, 1:15pm-1:45pm

    Host: Emilie Jackson, Emilie's French Teas

Guide to the listings below:

(L) = Lecture. 45 minutes in duration. Included with festival admission ticket.

(C)= Class. 45-90 minutes in duration. This is a hands-on or otherwise more detailed or lengthy offering. You may have extensive tastings, pairings, or create something of your own to take home. Additional fees are charged for the classes to recoup their cost of time and materials.

(D)= Tasting. 30 minutes in duration. Tastings are short, small group sessions. You will taste a couple of rare teas, compare a few teas, or otherwise get more in-depth knowledge and discussion than is possible at a booth.